12 Months Name in English and Hindi

12 Months Name in English: The year is divided into smaller time intervals by the monthsThere are twelve months in a year, and each one has its own name. The month names originate from a variety of ancient languages and cultures. The oldest calendars feature month names that are derived from the cycles of the moon. Understanding the names and traits of the months is important for planning activities, scheduling appointments, and organizing events.

NumberEnglishHindiHindi Meaning
1Januaryजनवरीजनवरी नए वर्ष का पहला महीना
2Februaryफ़रवरीफरवरी सिर्फ 28 या 29 दिन का महीना
3Marchमार्चसंस्कृत में ‘मार्ग’ का महीना
4Aprilअप्रैललैटिन शब्द ‘aperire’ से आया है, जिसका मतलब ‘खोलना’ है
5Mayमईअंग्रेजी के माई, जो वसंत के महीने का समय होता है
6Juneजूनयूनानी देवता जूनो से जुड़ा हुआ, जिनका महीना होता है
7Julyजुलाईजुलाई का नाम जूलियस सीजर के श्रद्धांजलि में रखा गया है
8Augustअगस्तअगस्त का नाम अगस्तस सीजर के श्रद्धांजलि में रखा गया है
9Septemberसितंबरलैटिन शब्द ‘septem’ से आया है, जिसका मतलब ‘सात’ है
10Octoberअक्टूबरलैटिन शब्द ‘octo’ से आया है, जिसका मतलब ‘आठ’ है
11Novemberनवंबरलैटिन शब्द ‘novem’ से आया है, जिसका मतलब ‘नौ’ है
12Decemberदिसंबरलैटिन शब्द ‘decem’ से आया है, जिसका मतलब ‘दस’ है


12 Months Name in English

There are 12 months in a year according to the English calendar are as follows:

NumberEnglishDays in a MonthHindi

January – The start of a new year in January inspires feelings of renewal and helps people create goals and dreams for themselves. People tend to take advantage of the current winter season to set goals and begin projects that will further their own development.

February- Valentine’s Day is a major occasion in February when people express their love and devotion to one another.

Furthermore, it should be mentioned that although though February is the shortest month of the year, it is full of celebrations and a sign that spring will soon arrive. The colorful festival of Basant Panchami heralds the arrival of spring in the Indian subcontinent.

March – The month of March marks the change from winter to spring. The contemporary era is marked by a significant shift, as the natural world is waking up from a condition of hibernation. Celebrated on March 16th, St. Patrick’s Day is a joyous occasion that represents luck and hints of Irish culture. In the Indian culture, Holi is a holiday that creates a riot of color and happiness, encouraging participation and good cheer among the populace.

April- April’s precipitation plays a role in the development and blossoming of flowers in May. These are the renewal and development processes that define this month. Celebrations of Easter and the arrival of spring are welcomed with wild group celebrations. While Baisakhi is marked as the start of the Hindu New Year in some parts of India, it is also celebrated as a major harvest festival in many other parts of the country.

May- May is the month that marks the beginning of spring in all its glory. The modern era is marked by a dynamic and energetic atmosphere as the world becomes overtaken by an abundance of vivid colors and alluring scents. Mother’s Day and graduation ceremonies add to the joy and festivity overall. The diverse customs of Buddha Purnima, Akshaya Tritiya, and Eid showcase India’s cultural diversity.

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June- The academic year ends in June when schools let out and summer officially begins. The air takes on a comforting glow and the longer days invite us to relax and take things easy. We can show our appreciation for the father figures in our lives on Father’s Day.

July- July is frequently linked to the arrival of summer holidays and the colorful Fourth of July fireworks show. When there is a high solar position, people create enduring memories through outdoor activities, beach outings, and cookouts.

August- August, the hottest month of the year, has a slower pace as people take advantage of the last few days of high weather. Spending time with family, soaking up the sun, and enjoying the abundant crop of just grown produce are the hallmarks of this era. Raksha Bandhan is a significant occasion in Indian culture because it honors the sacred bond that siblings—that is, brothers and sisters—share.

September- Fall officially begins in September, when the air gets crisper and more pleasant. The summer is coming to an end with the start of back-to-school season, which means we can finally wear cozy sweaters and expect cooler weather. Every year for 10 days, the country of India celebrates the festival of Ganesh Chaturthi, which honors the birth of the god Ganesha. A spirit of joyous celebration and devoutness characterizes this festive season.

October- The countryside is adorned with brilliant orange and gold hues that define October. Given that people of all ages participate in the custom of dressing up in costumes and trading candy, Halloween is a great occasion to encourage creativity and optimism. Diwali is a cultural event celebrated throughout the Indian subcontinent. Lighted lamps, delicious sweets, and a general feeling of community spirit adorn homes during this occasion.

November- November is a month dedicated to Thanksgiving celebrations, which should serve as a reminder to be thankful for what we have in life and to see our loved ones. Autumn’s falling leaves create a beautiful scene that inspires reflection and gratitude. During the Karva Chauth festival in Indian culture, married women voluntarily abstain from food and drink for a predetermined amount of time in an effort to support their husbands’ general well-being and prosperity.

December– The month of December is known for its happy magic. The festive season, which is marked by the celebration of Hanukkah and Christmas, infuses the air with feelings of joy, goodwill, and a general tendency toward giving. We consider our experiences as a group as the year draws to a close and eagerly anticipate the start of new prospects. Pongal is a lively celebration that enhances the festive occasions of Christmas and New Year’s Eve in many parts of India.

Months Names in English and Hindi


 Short Forms of Months Name

NumberShort FormHindi

What is calendar 12 months?

The Gregorian calendar is a solar-based calendar with 12 months that range in duration from 28 to 31 days, much like its forerunner, the Julian calendar. Every year has 365 days according to both calendars, with one extra day added in February for leap years. The Julian calendar and the Gregorian calendar both have the same number of months.

How many months are there in a year?

Months are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December in a calendar year. As a result, there are twelve months in the annual calendar.

What is one full calendar year?

A calendar year, as defined by the widely used Gregorian calendar, is one that starts on January 1 and ends on December 31.

World Teachers’ Day is celebrated on which specific day?

September 5th is Teacher’s Day, which we observe.

What are the names of the twelve months in the calendar?

The calendar consists of twelve months, namely January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December.

What is the month that includes both the shortest and longest day of the year?

The year’s shortest day falls on December 20-21.

How many days are there in the month of January in total?

There are total 31 days in January.

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